

Thursday, August 8, 2013

London Warren: The Comeback

London Warren join us in #theLab recently for an early morning workout. London "Jacksonville Jet" Warren, a quick and speedy guard out of Jacksonville, Florida, is quickly emerging back onto the basketball scene.

 London won back-to-back state championships in High-school in 2003 and 2004 and the NIT Championship in 2010, defeating North Carolina in Madison Square Garden.  London was in #theLab this morning at 7 a.m. because he has unfinished business; A championship at the Professional level.

London Warren took some time off from basketball recently to pursue his Master’s Degree and Coaching, but the fire we saw in him today was reminiscent of the enthusiasm and energy that made him a favorite among the Flyer Faithful at the University of Dayton. He's back, and #OHoops is not surprised that he has chosen the #TheProfessors in #theLab to train with to help prepare him for his return.

"I am a Fearless Defender...I take pride in shutting down the opposing team's best player" - London Warren

"What I do to help the team win sometimes doesn't show up on the stat sheet but my presence on the court is always felt." - London Warren

This is what makes London, and everyone here at OHoops, a fierce competitor and an inevitable victor.  It's not about scoring the most points, or catching a highlight dunk that the fans will be talking about for weeks and watching on ESPN; It's about the intangibles.  It's about the 1% Mindset Coach Dayne lives by, and that #TeamOHoops has bought in to.  It's about doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING possible to succeed; Diving for every loose ball, sacrificing your body, running through screens and pushing your body and MIND passed its comfort zone in order to avoid failure at all costs.  London Warren doesn't fear Failure; he embraces it and then defeats it with the 1% Mindset and an unparalleled work ethic.

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