

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Quote of the Week

OHoops Quote of the Week

A setback or obstacle in life is simply an opportunity for a great comeback! It could be the moment you finally promote yourself to the world!

No matter where you are in your life or who you are surrounded by, there will always be setbacks. You will stumble, you will make mistakes, you will lose, and you will fall hard! How will you get back up? Look at it in 2 ways… either you can allow it to bring you down with it and accept failure, or you can use it as a stepping stone for an amazing comeback! If you fall back 1 step, jump forward 5 steps. Use these obstacles as motivation to flourish and rise up in your life! Not only in your life, but in your family, in your community, in your extended circles, in the world! Make a statement with your comeback; let everyone know you will not be taken down without a fight and if you do get knocked down, not only will you just get back up, but you will leap up with confidence and dexterity. Prove to the world, if you haven’t done so yet, that you were born with a purpose, you have special gifts, and nobody else has what you have to offer!

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