

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

OHoops Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week
“Come in as a team, leave as a family.”
Players on a team many times lose sight of what is really important. The game itself is usually what’s thought of first, with the practice and repetition and the game time execution… but often overlooked is the camaraderie that you share with teammates. The tough games, the hard losses, the road trips that create bonding experiences between each other – these are the memories that will last forever. The relationships that are established when playing a team sport are what you remember the most after it’s all over. Not only that, but if you build strong relationships with your teammates off the field it gives you chemistry with one another, allows you to enjoy the game more, and your quality of play will rise when everyone is on the same page. When you’re on top your teammates on top, and when you are at the bottom, your teammates are right there with you. The moment you step on or off the court, field, etc. you should be able to call your teammates your family.

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