

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Quote of the Week

No amount of confidence will ever be solely enough to achieve one's dreams. Sure, it's a key factor to believe in yourself, but without the determination to do all the required work and keep yourself going through the inevitable failures to come, that dream that you're so confident in achieving will remain on the impossible side. The OHoops crew is filled with nothing but extremely driven and determined individuals, and we try to instill that same determination into each player that comes through The Lab. No matter your passion, there will always be competition. You must always believe that there is someone out there working harder than you, who is more determined than you, and you must strive to surpass them. Stay determined to WORK and put in those extra hours even though you're exhausted. Don't lose your drive when you're having a rough time or you lose a big game. Let that failure drive you to put in even more work, and work even harder. The line between impossible and possible is a thin one. Many people come very close and will even reach that line, but they lack the determination to give themselves that extra push to pass it. Because when it comes down to it, the only person lying between you and the possible, is yourself.

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