

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Quote of the Week

"If you've never experienced failure, you have severely underestimated your own abilities."

Granted, sometimes certain things come easier to some people then to others. However, here at OHoops, we are firm believers that the most successful people are those that fail most frequently.  There are numerous quotes by the legends and heroes all throughout sports history talking about how many times they've failed. However, if they gave up after a few failed opportunities, they wouldn't be recognized as the best of the best. The only justifiable excuse one can ever make to stop failing is to finally succeed.  Yea, we can all just give up.  But that's easy.  That's the cowards way out.  That's the ultimate failure; Never trying again.  If you've coasted through life up to this point then it probably means that you haven't set the bar high enough.  You haven't challenged yourself enough.  But the truth is, you won't truly experience the essence of success until you know what it feels like to fail over and over again. Don't underestimate yourself. Believe in yourself.  Set your goals high, and then climb even higher.

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